LM Training

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The T Word is Coming...

While college lacrosse is up and going, for everyone else lacrosse season is still on the horizon. What is looming is the anxiety provoking t-word, yes I’m talking about tryouts

I know this, because I was one of those players. No matter how hard I worked, I would still question what teams I would make and how it would impact my future dream of playing lacrosse in college. There was always the social impacts as well, about what friends and family would think. Mental struggles from tryouts can come from anywhere really.

This where I think I can help.

First, breathe. Amp up those meditation and breathing practices. Being able to stay in the moment will help you immensely before, during, and after tryouts. 

Second, take solace in your work ethic (that is of course, if you’ve worked hard), that you have done everything in your power to prepare and that has made you ready.

Third, fake it ’til you make it. Even if you aren’t the most confident in your skills, believe in yourself. Believing that you can do something is half the battle to success. 

Finally, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter what team you make for high school or club, that everything will be okay. I know this, because for my first three years playing for the club I did, I didn’t make the “best” team. During high school, I had to play on fresh-soph my sophomore year because of transfer rules and I thought everything was over. Breaking news alert - it wasn’t. Every school and club is so different with the talent level, that you can’t judge a player’s skill on what team they’re on, and coaches know this. 

From any tryout, what matters most is how you respond from the results. Are you the kid that’s going to sulk and complain all season while someone that maybe wasn’t as good as you at the start of the season embraces the challenge and opportunity to get better and does? Or, will you be the latter kid, who maybe as a sophomore or junior on JV uses the opportunity to hone in on your leadership skills or push the boundaries of what you can do on the field? 

Anything is possible if you believe it. Keep working hard and you will become the lacrosse player you want to be. If anyone wants direct advice, feel free to shoot me an email at lmlaxtraining@gmail.com.